Learn german

One-to-one lessons

Do you want to advance your German language skills for business purposes?
Did you move to the Zug/Zurich area just recently? Do you want to interact with the local people and find your way around?

Your own personal language tutor will help you to achieve your goals in a fast and fun way.

Semi-private/company classes

We also offer semi-private classes (2 persons) or company classes.
Maybe you would like to learn with a friend or a family member – or some of your co-workers are interested in learning together with you in a small class.

Please keep in mind that the language skills of the individual participants in semi-private or group lessons are recommended to be similar to ensure an equal level of learning progress for everyone.

How do our courses work?

Our German lessons are customized to your specific needs. The content is fully tailored to address your everyday language level and training needs.

We are entirely focused on you, your individual learning style and pace. Let us know about your interests and ambitions. We will help you reach your German language training goals keeping you always motivated.

Tuition at your preferred place

The choice of the teaching location will be based on your individual preferences (workplace, home).


Course hours are flexible: your lesson hours will be set to accommodate your schedule.
One teaching session lasts 2×45 academic hours (90 minutes in total).

Trial lesson

We offer you a trial lesson of 60 minutes to allow you to get to know your tutor and discuss your personal goals. It also allows your language trainer to get an impression of your current German skills and suggest the appropriate learning method and material.